
Entity Definition

Logical Name : FuelItem
Physical Name : AS_ITM_FUEL

A sub-type of STOCK ITEM for Petroleum products such as Petrol, Gas, Diesel and Kerosene. It is purchased in bulk and blended, measured and dispensed by a FUELING POINT..

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
ItemID (FK)(PK) A unique system assigned identifier for the retailer's SKU. ID_ITM IdentityUUID char(32) StockItem(AS_ITM_STK)
ProductGroupCode Specifies the product group of the Item for calculation of temperature corrected volume. Defined by ASTM D 1250 table 54 or American Petroleum Institute (API) Std 2540 table 6 CD_PDT_GP Code varchar(20)
ReferenceDensity The reference density at reference temperature of the product, used for calculating the volume correction factor. Cf. ASTM D 1250 table 54 or American Petroleum Institute (API) Std 2540 table 6 QU_DNSTY_RFC Quantity DECIMAL(9,3)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
StockItem isa FuelItem

Logical Views containing FuelItem

Logical View
Logical 01000 - Item Description - Macro View
Logical 01004 - Item Description - Branding
Logical 01010 - Item Description - Subtype View
Logical 20000 - Forecourt Macro View
Logical 20010 - Forecourt Fueling Point View
Logical 20050 - Forecourt Tank Gauge View